1. Be more God-centered. - I always put God first in every decision that I make.
2. Workout workout workout. Bring back those six pack. - Got a Golds Gym membership. Which I dream of for years.
3. Eat healthier. More on veggies. - I always want to include veggies on every meal that I eat – especially ampalaya.
4. Learn new programming language, or new technology.
5. Get new certifications from Microsoft.
6. Save a lot of money. – Got no savings for 2010. Still looking forward to save this 2011.
7. Drink less alcohol. - Yeah I drunk less due to more work demand, and love of work, too!
8. Meet new friends. - Met a bunch of office mates.
9. Work harder than before. Felt a bit of lazy and sleep every siesta. Bad bad bad!
10. Commit less mistakes in work. - Got more focus on work. And more dedicated.
11. Go to the beach (never been there) - Got my feet landed for the first time at Subic beach.
12. Have Ms. Right (if time permits, and, if any). - Got a wonderful, caring, loving, and anything-you-asked-for girlfriend.
Things planned to buy
1. Supplements (whey protein, Hydroxycut). – Had 4 Nitro-Techs and 1 NO Xplode for the year
2. Gym membership - I had Golds Gym membership, which I like most why I love Ayala Systems!
3. DSLR. - Still can’t get one. But I got this cool point and shoot cam. Though I was upset knowing the price is less than 10,000, 6 months after I bought it.
4. Personal laptop. – I realized I don’t need it for now. I still have my company laptop.